CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 34,340

    1. "I love this new generation. They have the integrity of urgency. They act in a collective manner. If we maintain the status quo, and in the end if [President] Macron maintains it, we risk ending up in situations of constraints and prohibitions."
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    "Ecologists' fight is for a democratic and consensual transformation. I support direct action and am a participant in it" -Noël Mamère, French Green Party leader
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      Green Party leader denounces Emmanuel Macron's move to legally dissolve Soulèvements de la Terre "Uprisings of the Earth," environmental #DirectAction responsible for spectacular disruptive protests.