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  1. The premise of public advice since December has been that Omicron was milder/less severe than Delta. Whether on not this was true in some technical sense (such as case fatality rate), Omicron was, in aggregate, deadlier. @hmkyale/1527666437661270018
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      Four obvious implications: 1. We need to shift metrics for evaluating new variants. Case fatality rate is meaningless unless we also assess how many infections there will be. Crudely multiplying R0 × CFR would be an improvement.
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        2. The public health response in December/January shows how to UNDERreact to a new variant. Future actions should deploy greater vaccination, isolation, testing, and NPIs than we did then. Yet all planning in the USA is to do even less.
        1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
          3. The arrival of Omicron was a giant missed opportunity for a new surge of vaccination, enlisting officials and leaders across the political spectrum to avoid deaths (which, this time like Delta, fell disproportionately on Red states and counties).
          1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
            4. If there were plans around Thanksgiving to "transition to the post-pandemic phase" or whatever, the underlying assumptions should have been re-tested in light of Omicron's increased deadliness (or whatever we call R0×CFR). Not just paused for 10 weeks.