CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 30,423

      1. It is absolutely urgent for left media, including @democracynow, to put Ukrainian voices on the air today. It's been 7 days since that happened, and that person said "Western media predict imminent war, fail in predicting." @CarwilBJ/1496271815051726850
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      Vladimir Putin's announcement of general war on Ukraine and the ongoing military operations make it urgent for us to listen to people under attack, and for people who have been engaged in denial of this possibility to take time to re-evaluate their assumptions.
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    Notably, Masha Gessen stands out among recent @democracynow guests in offering warning signs of possible invasion.