@jamesmdunne @schmangee @cliffnuttman @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 Um, it does: "Based on emerging evidence on the Delta variant (2), CDC also recommends that fully vaccinated persons wear masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission." cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7030e2.htm
@jamesmdunne @schmangee @cliffnuttman @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 Today, only 2.6% of counties are there yet, though.
@jamesmdunne @schmangee @cliffnuttman @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 But hard agree that with @schmangee that the messaging on this has been difficult to fine and poorly conveyed. When they had to do it behind Pres Trump's back, that was more understandable. publicintegrity.org/health/coronavirus-and-inequality/white-house-coronavirus-red-zone-reports-covid/
@jamesmdunne @schmangee @cliffnuttman @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 The fact that this kind of detailed advice (December 2020 from the White House COVID task force) was never put onto a simple public website is an obscene waste. documentcloud.org/documents/20429025-washington-12_13_20