@schmangee @cliffnuttman @jamesmdunne @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 Deciding whether to convey point estimates or error bars is always a messaging choice, where the latter risks losing some of the audience. But this study wasn't supposed to be a definitive eval of cloth masks (there are whole review articles on that), but a comparison.
@schmangee @cliffnuttman @jamesmdunne @DvdHam @Eli_403 @littlelaurel2 I mean, I could have responded with this image instead… better numbers, but harder to read, but more challenging to argue with. (Brooks and Butler. “Effectiveness of Mask Wearing to Control Community Spread of SARS-CoV-2.” JAMA. doi.org/10.1001/jama.2021.1505.)