CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 26,458

                    1. Other news in the @OAS_official report on the #BoliviaElections… Pre-election practice run of the new rapid count (DIREPRE) on October 14 was a failure (8% transmitted successfully), due to problems with app authentication and absenteeism.
                      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
                    These preliminary failures played into the cancellation of DIREPRE on Saturday. (p. 6) The lack of DIREPRE contributed to uncertainty the night of Oct 18.
                1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
                  One third of polling places had long lines during Election Day. People in line at closing time were permitted to vote. (p. 7)
              1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
                Some notaries forbid photography and interfered with domestic observers and polling company survey team doing so, although this is permitted by law. (p. 7)
            1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
              Electoral authorities suffered the loss of employees to COVID during their preparations. (p. 3)
          1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
            Massive and peaceful participation on Election Day, backed by calls from candidates and parties to remain calm.
        1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
          OAS observer team was limited to the La Paz/El Alto–Cochabamba–Santa Cruz axis and voting abroad in 3 countries. Report applauds the work of domestic observers, urges greater support for their work. (p. 8)
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        New computer system allowed in-process transparency for the count. It was sometimes overwhelmed by traffic and 1 high-traffic IP address had to be blocked for making excessive requests. (p. 9)
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      The overall count, as of 88.76% actas counted, coincided with rapid counts by published polls and the OAS mission's own estimates. (p. 9)
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    Half of the report is a long series of recommendations re electoral process. Notable: –Fix the rapid count & get the app to overseas polling places. –Fill the electoral tribunal w/ technical experts w/o political ties –Restore public financing for election campaigns
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      –Require public reporting of campaign donations –Reduce penalties for unlicensed polls (they should be tagged as not meeting requirements, but still legal to publish) –Radically reduce punishments for distributing polling info (parties should not lose their right to participate)
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        –Require all election laws and regulations to be finalized six months before the election. –Establish specialized, politically independent arenas to prosecute electoral crimes