@ViscidKonrad @Master0fNull Drilling down for a minute… Florida in 2000: CEPR style: count every vote, hanging chads, Bush v. Gore ok OAS style: re-run districts with butterfly ballots, re-run election w/o Katherine Harris as electoral official EU style: all that plus US Civil Rights Commission findings
@ViscidKonrad @Master0fNull As a Black voter, I want this in the USA.
@ViscidKonrad @Master0fNull But all of this is binding in Bolivia not bc of the OAS or the USA's pressure, but because a sizable of Bolivian society took the streets in October, and the government conceded to a binding audit.
@ViscidKonrad @Master0fNull There has been a very false narrative that the OAS created the suspicions around voter fraud and the TREP suspension, but a majority of Bolivians expected fraud before the elections were held.