CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 23,909

      1. Very happy to have signed this endorsement of Bernie Sanders for president, and public reminder of the Black radical tradition…
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      "Bernie Sanders, the politics he advocates, the consistent track record he demonstrates, and the powerful policy changes he has outlined, if elected, would make the most far-reaching and positive impact on the lives and condition of Black people, and all people in the USA."
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    I would hasten to add that the policy changes that Sanders proposes came from movements and will require mass pressure to get them passed.
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      In my estimation, what is most interesting about the Sanders campaign is the attempt to build lasting ties w/ external movements as well as mechanisms to activate supporters to organize one another. @CarwilBJ/1228828457716637696