CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 23,873

  1. …in reply to @iMarxiavelli
    @iMarxiavelli @Master0fNull @JohnCuriel14 @MITelectionlab @ceprdc So many bad decisions in just one weekend. Some expected (and were literally promised) a neutral caretaker government. No one got one.
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      @iMarxiavelli @Master0fNull @JohnCuriel14 @MITelectionlab @ceprdc Since November 10, the OAS (via its council) has voiced extreme concern about events in Bolivia, (via its head Almagro) welcomed the Áñez transitional govt, and (via the IACHR) investigated and condemned govt violence. It isn't a unified institution.