CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 23,861

      1. …in reply to @iMarxiavelli
        @iMarxiavelli @JohnCuriel14 @Master0fNull @MITelectionlab @ceprdc That claim has a few bases but seems to rely mostly on what they report as an anomaly in the final 5% of votes tabulated, after a delay: @CarwilBJ/1193507031753379841?s=19
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      @iMarxiavelli @JohnCuriel14 @Master0fNull @MITelectionlab @ceprdc I have neither the time nor the statistical skill to verify or dispute that claim, but any attempt to refute the OAS report statistically should look at the 5% group as characterized there, not the 16% not included in the TREP.
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    @iMarxiavelli @JohnCuriel14 @Master0fNull @MITelectionlab @ceprdc In conversation with CEPR folks here, I asked them to do this on December 6. I'm genuinely agnostic about this issue, but any "refutation" that doesn't address the arguments of their opponents (here the OAS audit team) is oversold.