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              1. #BoliviaEnCrisis High drama and split loyalties with the Armed Forces High Command followed Evo Morales' ouster as president of Bolivia.
            1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
              Armed Forces commander Williams Kaliman appears in this account, sourced to his close associates, as a close ally of Evo Morales.
          1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
            A threatened mutiny/coup by mid-ranking soldiers and a strong push by Army commander Grover Rojas forced Kaliman to order the military into a policing role on November 11.
        1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
          Per this account, Kaliman maintained cordial contact with Evo Morales and his defense minister in the day after the president's resignation.
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        Not discussed here but crucial for understanding the overall coup: the alliances between incipient leaders and these forces w/in the military
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      President Jeanine Añez evidently ratified this movement of hardliners via her appointments on November 13.
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    This also explains Kaliman's retirement immediately afterwards.
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      Still unclear: What kind of transition did Kaliman expect? And did he sell Evo on that idea rather than force him out?