CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 21,868

  1. …in reply to @JamesConran1
    @JamesConran1 @RafaelUribeN @MarkWeisbrot @democracynow @OAS_official A member of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal resigned in protest over the decision (in the first week after the election), the TSE president said (after her arrest) that decisions were imposed upon her, and…
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      @JamesConran1 @RafaelUribeN @MarkWeisbrot @democracynow @OAS_official the TREP server team said that the TSE president personally told them that it was stopped "due to the tendency of the vote." Also, they were cut off from the internet when it happened. So, it looks very unlikely to be routine.