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        1. …in reply to @darrylzer0
          @darrylzer0 @samhusseini @AndeanInfoNet I don't know for these two and would like to. Salvatierra's resignation basically says it is happening under duress.
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        @darrylzer0 @samhusseini @AndeanInfoNet Over the weekend, the violence escalated. Pro-MAS campesinos and gunmen attacked anti-election fraud protest caravans (i.e., buses) on the way to La Paz. Direct reprisals for these attacks targeted homes of MAS politicians in the cities of origin of the caravans.
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      @darrylzer0 @samhusseini @AndeanInfoNet The burning of the Cocalero federation/MAS party headquarters in Cochabamba on the night the police mutiny was also a signal that civilian arson would not be punished.
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    @darrylzer0 @samhusseini @AndeanInfoNet So you had three kinds of resignations: resignations by politicians "to protect my family" in response to specific attacks; resignations out of a general fear; and resignations (like MAS Senator Rene Joaquino) in outrage over violence from his own party.