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  1. By excluding Adriana Salvatierra from the Plaza Murillo, the police reaffirmed the impression that the MAS-IPSP will be excluded from the political arena. This is the exact opposite of what is needed now. #BoliviaEnCrisis
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      On technicalities, Adriana Salvatierra's spoken statement to the media referred to "resignation of the office of president of the Senate," so she's still a senator. Also, there's normally a process of letters and acceptance.; #BoliviaEnCrisis
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        But formalities aside, this is a pivotal moment. President Jeanine Añez should be making or planning a tour of the country to convince everyone that they are included in the future of the country. #BoliviaEnCrisis
        1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
          Both Carlos Mesa (in October/November 2003) and Eduardo Rodríguez (in June 2005) made such tours, outreaching to left-wing protesters and right-wing civic movements. It's crucial that this happen now. #BoliviaEnCrisis
          1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
            And if Jeanine Añez can't or won't display neutrality, the prospects for an electoral exit to the current crisis get dimmer. #BoliviaEnCrisis