#Bolivia #BoliviaEnCrisis Forensic and journalistic reports confirm four new killings, in addition to the police colonel who died today from injuries sustained in a Sunday car accident. At least 8 people have died in the conflict.
Beltrán Condori Aruni (23) and Percy Romer Conde Noguera (33) were killed by gunshots in the Pedregal neighborhood of La Paz's Zona Sur. boliviadecide.blogspot.com/2019/11/se-reportan-dos-muertos-por-impacto-de.html la-razon.com/nacional/seguridad_nacional/bolivia-detenidos-disparos-muertos_0_3256474345.html
Initial reports from their families indicate that both were bystanders killed during a time of clashes between police and pro-MAS crowds that engaged in yesterday's attacks on police infrastructure.
Beltrán Condori Aruni's mother reports he was killed Monday afternoon. When she found him and confronted troops nearby, they claimed they knew nothing of his death and pointed out they were confronting crowds armed with dynamite. She believes the police killed her son.
Percy Conde's brother is unsure who to blame for his death: "It's my brother … We don't know with scientific certainty if it was the police or the mob. We want for this case to be clarified. … We want it to be known that people are dead."
In #Betanzos, a small town 45km #Potosi, police and military intervention against destructive pro-MAS protests led to at least one and possibly a second death deaths.
Late last night, following a mass meeting, thousands of pro-MAS campesinos marched through the streets of Betanzos, chanting "Civil War," kicking doors, and setting a series of fires. elpotosi.net/local/20191111_grupos-afines-al-mas-siembran-panico-en-betanzos.html
A doctor reported the campesino leadership had a list of names/houses to target, and these were attacked. They set fires at the CC campaign house, offices and businesses of the CC candidate for deputy and her family, and the police station.
Terrified townspeople pleaded for state intervention, which came in the form of police and military deployment today. elpotosi.net/local/20191112_policias-y-militares-van-a-betanzos.html
The police/military intervention caused the death of Marcelino Jarata Estrada, 53 years old. He too may be a bystander: "He isn't from Betanzos and was passing through the municipality with a goal of reaching Potosí." elpotosi.net/local/20191112_enfrentamientos-en-betanzos-habrian-causado-dos-fallecimientos.html
The report continues: "When the confrontations began, in which the police and military used gas, many people fled to the hills and it was there that he was killed."
Filemón Soria Díaz, 45, was found today strangled and bound by his hand and feet near the hospital in Cochabamba's Zona Sur, according to forensic reports. la-razon.com/nacional/IDIF-reporta-muertos-conflicto-pais_0_3256474373.html
Yesterday and last night, police installations at La Tamborada in Cochabamba's Zona Sur and Sacaba to its east were burned by pro-MAS crowds protesting the coup. lostiempos.com/actualidad/cochabamba/20191111/manifestantes-queman-comando-policial-sacaba
Last night, neighbors in La Tamborada set up barricades and confronted the arriving pro-MAS crowds. unitel.tv/noticias/vecinos-mantienen-vigilia-en-la-zona-de-la-tamborada-tras-enfrentamientos/
Pagina Siete describes Filemón Soria as the victim of the pro-MAS crowd. @pagina_siete/1194429686467743744
A report from the Instituto de Investigaciones Forenses (IDIF) described seven deaths, including 2 in Montero, Santa Cruz; 2 in Cochabamba; the 2 Pedregal deaths and 1 police death in La Paz. To this we must add one or two deaths in Betanzos.
The police/military interventions urgently demanded in La Paz and Betanzos may very well have killed non-participating bystanders. If so, they continue a pattern of frequent death of non-protesters that was set most clearly in October 2003.
That three people have died at the hands of state security forces in such a short time is a reminder that they are blunt instruments not always willing or able to de-escalate violence.
All of these scenarios, especially the killing of Filemón Soria reflect the continued threat posed by partisan political killings and other violence among civilians.
So far, all partisan killings have been carried out by supporters of the MAS-IPSP, but other attacks on property and persons have been perpetrated by their opponents.
Continued pro-MAS/pro-Evo Morales/anti-coup mobilizations that have no overall strategic framework (other than resisting the interim government until Evo's return) could easily spiral into further episodes of deadly violence, either among civilians or by the police and military.
The three pre-November 10 killings were all perpetrated by pro-MAS crowds fighting election protesters: 2 in Montero, Santa Cruz, 1 in Quillacollo/Cochabamba. Part of larger open clashes.
About the Montero clashes: @CarwilBJ/1190295369726476291 And the earlier Cochabamba death: @CarwilBJ/1192250812094922757
The Potosí prosecutor's office has opened a homicide investigation into the death of Marcelino Jarata Estrada in Betanzos, presumably shot by state security forces. elpotosi.net/local/20191113_fiscalia-abre-investigacion-por-hecho-luctuoso-en-betanzos.html