There are at least four serious political forces in Bolivia tonight: a catastrophically weakened MAS-IPSP which still won millions of votes, Carlos Mesa/CC that overcame electoral fraud, a rising but regional civic movement, and the shards of the independent left grassroots.
The last three all demanded that Evo Morales resign, and they got what they demanded in just three weeks.
But a democratic solution will have to provide a place for what remains of the MAS-IPSP to compete, and an electoral arena for the other forces to sort themselves out.
The question of who leads the government during the interim is very important and the figure not be affiliated with or partial to any of the four currents.
Some background… Police mutiny… Election protests woborders.blog/2019/11/09/police-mutiny-critical-point/… woborders.blog/2019/10/29/qa-bolivian-electoral-conflict/ On the vote… woborders.blog/2019/10/22/understanding-the-end-of-the-evo-morales-majority/ Early signs of vote fraud… woborders.blog/2019/10/22/chaos-vote/
Police mutiny and the beginning of the end: woborders.blog/2019/11/09/police-mutiny-critical-point/ woborders.blog/2019/11/09/evo-on-the-brink/