#Bolivia: Potosí miners caravan attacked with gunfire en route to La Paz, three are wounded but (**correcting earlier report**) no one has been confirmed killed. elpotosi.net/local/20191110_urgente-una-caravana-fue-atacada-y-hay-tres-heridos-de-bala.html elpotosi.net/local/20191110_no-se-confirma-muertos-por-la-emboscada-qaqachaka.html
Hospital reports five miners injured. Rafael Moscoso Mamani is severely wounded. correodelsur.com/seguridad/20191110_sube-a-cinco-la-cifra-de-mineros-heridos-por-impacto-de-bala.html
The Potosí miners are protesting voter fraud and the government of Evo Morales. Attackers are local campesinos, possible members of the Qaqachaka ayllu, per El Potosí newspaper.