@EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia There are 3 positions w/in the fractious anti-government movement… 1. The election is fraudulent bc of how it was miscounted. 2. It had fraud baked in before vote (illegal state electioneering, voting by dead/ineligible voters etc.) 3. Evo/Alvaro were ineligible because of 21F.
@EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia By the way, this is the same dilemma the left faced in the Florida presidential vote in 2000, and the Florida and Georgia state votes in 2018. Opting for pure recounts (rather than process audits or protests) got us nothing.