CarwilBJ’s avatarCarwilBJ’s Twitter Archive—№ 21,340

        1. …in reply to @EvoReef
          @EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia There are 3 positions w/in the fractious anti-government movement… 1. The election is fraudulent bc of how it was miscounted. 2. It had fraud baked in before vote (illegal state electioneering, voting by dead/ineligible voters etc.) 3. Evo/Alvaro were ineligible because of 21F.
      1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
        @EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia and now, helped along by the deaths in Montero: 4. Evo/Alvaro must resign bc of some combination of the fraud and repression.
    1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
      @EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia Mesa was clearly inclined to only press position 1, and accept an audit. But he shifted to align with the protests while still allowing the possibility of a modified audit.
  1. …in reply to @CarwilBJ
    @EvoReef @clairefrwordley @JhanisseVDaza @RiosDePie @StandingRivers @violetajaguar @Alf_RomeroM @pauloCanning @EdwinPynegar @MiguelMirandaBo @pagina_siete @diarioeldeber @LosTiemposBol @ErbolDigital @noticiasfides @LaRazon_Bolivia I'm neither Mesa's spokesman nor his partisan in this fight, but I have watched Bolivian protest coalition politics for a dozen years and I can tell what he's doing.